Tracey McEachran
Artist | Educator
Pacify my impotency with your sacrifice my love
I was small, I look up and even though you are small I look up
For the one I can’t see looks down, I feel the gentle gaze and the warm hand of love
Holding me up
Not you, not you
I must have reached up to hold his hand, but I cannot remember it
I bowed, she covered her head, calmed and made whole
Small snippets of truths and dreams woven together to form one
There are no mysteries; we find our own pathways to the present
Hold on to the light; cast away the darkness of uncertainly
Chasing the illusion of control, grasping the edges as he slid down the muddy hole
Down into darkness, any trace of warmth as distant as the echo emitting
No no, I don’t know him
Just a shell, a corpse of a man
But still he lingers, calls out, from the pit of my stomach he clings on to me
I cast my small vessel into the light
I am made whole, held up by that warm hand of love that remains